
Hey Everyone,

Glad you came to check out Precarius.

I like board games. Chess, Checkers, Monopoly, they are all at the top of my list. But I'm a guy that likes to build stuff. There aren't very many games out there for the mechanically minded.

I came up with Precarius one day when I was bored and had nothing to do. Normally, when I'm bored, I go out and build something in the garage. But I was feeling lazy. I wanted to play a board game. But there was nothing around that really catered to me that day. So I started contemplating what the perfect game for me would be.

Like I said, I enjoy building stuff. I wanted a game where I could build stuff. The building games out there are too limited because they are based on taking away instead of adding to a structure. So, there in my boredom, I decided to design a game. I started with some basic "wants" that laid the foundation for Precarius.
  1. Build Stuff (without subtracting pieces)
  2. Some Strategy
  3. Easy to Learn (I didn't want to make up the rules)
  4. Easy to Make (I was lazy that day remember)
  5. Doesn't Take too Long to Play
So with those five things in mind I came up with Precarius. A game where you build but you do it in such a way as to force the other guy to cause the structure created to collapse.

I sawed up a 2x4 to make the first pieces and started fiddling with them. I realized there was no easy way to determine when a collapse actually occurred. So I created the foundation pieces to raise the main building pieces off of the table. 

The foundation is actually one of those solutions that make a game that much more awesome. You can place the foundation pieces in any number of configurations to make the game easier or harder. It also adds more flexibility so I don't get board.

I took the prototype home to a family get-together where my brother and I played it. He loved it. I had been loving it. And as I shared it with friends, they all loved it. So I decided that a few other people might love it too. 

So I 'm considering manufacturing Precarius. I just want to get one final verification that it will be worth my time. So, I've set up the site so that I can get some mass feedback. If I get enough responses the game will be manufactured by the end of the summer of 2014. 

I hope everyone will enjoy this game as much as I have and be willing to bring it into their living rooms. 

Let me know what you think in the comment section 

Have a great day. Thanks for coming.
