How to Play

Here's how you play Precarius.

Precarius can be played with as many people as you prefer. You are limited by the number of pieces in you game. It will be possible to purchase extra pieces to grow the game.


Each player begins with one Foundation block and 50 Building pieces.
  1. Each play places their Foundation Piece. Basically setting up the game board.
  2. Taking turns each player places a building piece on either the Foundation blocks or other building pieces.
  3. Continue to add pieces until the placement of a Building piece causes any part of the structure to touch the surface of the table/floor that the foundation blocks were placed on.
  1. Each player must place a Foundation piece
  2. Each player must place a Building piece during their turn. There are NO skips, checks, or reversals
  3. The game ends when the placement of a player's piece causes a any other part of the structure to touch the surface of the gaming area.
  4. The game does not end if the Building piece the player is placing touches the gaming surface.
  5. The game continues until either the structure collapses or all pieces are used up.
  6. If all the pieces are used before the structure collapses then the game is a draw
  7. No player may reposition any previously placed piece, with the intent of changing the structure.


The trick to this game is to get the other guy to make the structure collapse before you run out of pieces. For this reason you want to create something that is unstable so that it is as difficult as possible to place a piece without causing a collapse. You have to make it precarious to win.